How to I get back on track after traveling.
Aug 29, 2024
What does a Health Coach do to recalibrate after a week in Nashville?
- HYDRATE~ Holy humidity! The sweat situation was real last week in Nashville, temps were high, humidity was higher and my California body finally adjusted. Although I brought my LMNT electrolytes (get yours here!), we ran out and it was noticeable. So this week I am focusing on re-hydrating as best I can by drinking my electrolytes, fresh purified water, and lots of fresh fruits and veggies.
- EAT CLEAN~ Now, I must admit, my habits are pretty dialed after all these years of building them consistently into my life. I know the importance of a high protein breakfast, and stick to that when traveling no matter what. This is why I prefer Air BnB to hotels for extended trips, so I can cook my own breakfast to start the day off right. I will also admit, we took some of Guy Fieri’s recommendations and enjoyed some Nashville hot spots, like Hattie B’s Hot Chicken, the Grilled Cheeserie, The Stillery, and more. One night, Isaac and I had ice cream on a hot cookie from the Baked Bear..... for dinner! I have no problem indulging from time to time, and having this type of freedom in my diet. I don’t agree with the concept of “everything in moderation”, but I do practice the Good-Better-Best spectrum. For example, at Hattie B’s, I got the grilled chicken, not fried. At the Stillery, I had the fried pickles, but I also had a salad. I may not always have access to the Best choice, but more often than not, there is a Good choice available. And sometimes, that Good choice is house made chocolate ice cream melting over a house made chocolate chip cookie, for dinner. No regrets!
- MOVE~ I was sure to hit the gym at our condo complex a few times to lift weights and do some mobility. And when I had to get Isaac to the field an hour before game time, I used that as an opportunity to walk and explore. But, two long days of travel, prolonged sitting for baseball games (and watching the Olympics!), my body is craving a routine. So this week I will shoot for daily walks, 3x/strength training and some yoga sprinkled in.
- SWEAT~ As mentioned, I did my share of sweating over the last week. But not like the sweating I do in my sauna. I am feeling a bit inflamed and stagnant, so nothing like some sauna sessions to get things moving optimally. I will shoot for 4x/week.
- MORNING ROUTINE~ My morning routine is my touchstone for the day. It has become a non-negotiable, at least when I am at home. I thought I would keep it last week, but while traveling with my family, the mornings together over coffee and chatting was the priority. I am so ready to get back to intentionally setting my energy and frequency for the day with morning sunlight, breathing, meditation and journaling. Want to know more about morning routines? We recorded a podcast all about it! (Listen here)
- SLEEP~ Traveling with my parents and my 17 yr old son does not necessarily equate to late nights, even in Nashville! I kept to a pretty normal bedtime, but there were some early mornings, and my sleep is sadly never great when I travel. Between windows that didn’t open in our condo for fresh air, all night A/C and unfamiliar beds, it just was less than ideal. So, this week it is Operation Get Rested! Sleep is so foundational for all the other things I am focused on, this really becomes priority #1!
Here's What I WON'T Do~
- RESTRICT, PUNISH, REGRET~ I will NOT feel badly about the choices I made while having a blast in a new city with my family. Life is meant to be enjoyed! A priority of my health journey is building resilience. I want a bounce back factor that is dialed in so I can enjoy life, enjoy feeling my best and never feel the need to punish myself or have my body punish me with symptoms for having fun. Life is too short for that. There is too much to see, too much good food to enjoy, too much joy to be experienced.
Remember that it’s not ALL or NOTHING!
It’s BOTH / AND!
You can have fun, AND maintain your better habits. Nothing is lost after just one week or weekend of fun. So go and enjoy these last weeks of summer and allow yourself to make a GOOD choice when the BEST choice may not be available. Then you can get back to your better habits the next chance you get.
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